5 Tips For Choosing The Best Feed For Your Livestock 

5 Tips For Choosing The Best Feed For Your Livestock 


The livestock industry is an important food, income, and livelihood source for many worldwide. Based on estimates, the world’s demand for these products may reach $20 billion by 2026, with an 0.3% average yearly growth since 2017. As a result, keeping them healthy and productive is crucial. However, the quality and quantity of feed can significantly impact your livestock’s health, growth, reproduction, and productivity. 

Choosing the best feed for your livestock can be challenging, especially with the variety of feed options available in the market. So, how do you know which one suits your livestock’s needs? Fortunately, this article will share five tips for choosing the best one for your livestock. Following these tips will ensure your livestock receives the nutrition it needs to thrive and perform well. 


  1. 1.Assess Available Feed Options 



It’s important first to assess the available feed options to choose the best one for your livestock. For example, this will help provide them with adequate nutrition based on their age, weight, and production stage. Moreover, it’ll help you choose the best to improve your livestock productivity and health. 

There are two basic types of animal feed to choose from: fodder and forage.  

Moreover, there’re three significant fodder categories to choose from: 

  • Concentrates: These are foods high in energy and protein but low in fiber. They include grains (such as corn, wheat, and barley), protein supplements (such as soybean meal and cottonseed meal), and balanced rations (such as pellets or crumbles).  

  • Additives: These are substances added to feed to improve the animals’ quality, palatability, digestibility, or performance. They include vitamins, minerals, enzymes, probiotics, antibiotics, hormones, and antioxidants that enhance the health and productivity of the animals. 

When deciding which feed to use, assessing the ingredients’ nutrient content, quality, and safety is essential. For example, you can inspect them visually or use feed analysis tools such as laboratory tests, feed tables, or software to determine nutrient composition.  




If you want to know what your livestock’s nutritional requirements are, you must consider several factors, including: 

  • The type of livestock that you are raising (cattle, poultry, swine, etc.) 

  • The purpose of keeping them (meat, milk, eggs, etc.) 

  • Your livestock’s health status and condition (diseases, parasites, injuries, etc.) 

You also need to consult a veterinarian or an animal nutritionist to help you determine your livestock’s specific nutrient requirements. Moreover, they can assist you in formulating a balanced diet to meet your nutritional needs. 

  1. 2.Consider Cost and Availability 


Comparing the cost per nutrient of different feed options is essential when considering feed cost and availability. For example, you can compare the price per kilogram of protein or energy of varying feed ingredients. You can also compare the cost per kilogram of live weight gain or milk production from different feeding strategies. Here, choosing the feed option that provides the most nutrients at the lowest price is best. 

Therefore, it would be best to consider the availability and accessibility of feed resources in your area. You should choose a feed produced locally or easily obtained from nearby markets or suppliers. Additionally, you should consider the quality and availability of feed at various times of the year and prepare for any seasonal shortages or surpluses. 


  1. 3.Assurance of Quality and Safety 


Your livestock’s health depends on their nutrition. Therefore, sourcing your feed from reputable suppliers that provide reliable and consistent products would be best. In turn, they’ll be free of contaminants, molds, or toxins that may harm your livestock or affect their products with this assurance. 

Following some best practices will ensure the quality and safety of your feed. For example: 

  • Sourcing them from reputable suppliers with quality control systems and certifications (such as FDA-approved, organic, etc.) 

  • Reading and understanding the labels and certificates of your feed products and checking their expiry dates 


  1. 4.Seek Professional Guidance 



You can consult with an animal nutritionist or an extension specialist who can provide technical advice and support for various aspects of livestock feeding. These specialists possess great expertise and have undergone rigorous training in animal nutrition. For example, they can provide relevant information about your livestock (such as type, number, age, weight, stage of production, etc.) and your feeding goals (such as growth, reproduction, maintenance, etc.) 

Moreover, they can monitor your livestock’s response to different feed options by measuring their intake, weight gain, milk production, health status, etc. Because of this, they can review and adjust your feeding strategies based on the results of your feed trials and monitoring.  




Choosing the best feed for your livestock is a crucial task that can affect their health and productivity. With these five tips, you can provide optimal nutrition according to their needs.